Senin, 24 November 2014

Tugas LM

Name :Artamevi Sofia G.
Class:LM English “Tuesday”

·              Soal Amazing Place
          1.What is Floating market mean?
         2. What is the typical of floating market? 
         3. How they regulate buying and selling activity in floating market?
         4. Who is the traders in there?
        5. Are there just only buying and selling activity or there is activity else ?

·            Soal Story Telling
    1.       Who was ill based on the “faithfull john”story?
    2.       Who was the most favourite old king servant ?
    3.       What is the message from the old king before he died?
    4.       What kind of picture that is prohibited to open?
   5.       Are the young king curious about the picture or not?
   6.       What is the moral value from the story?

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