Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

Animal Kingdom

Okay Haai guys !! im so glad that i can write on my blog again. well,this time i want to describe you one of great,beautifull,and wild animals. i want you guys to guessing what kind of this animals and i will tell you about the charactheristics.okay lets we start the game :) yeah

This animals have 4 legs.the body patterned camouflage between brown and black.have is can be classified as carnivore and wild animals,this animals also known as the king of forest. yeah i know that you are guys can answer the question.and the anwer is ..... JENGJENGJENJENG okay right the answer is Tiger. Rawr!!

okay,yeah i know that everbody up 3 years old in this world know about this animals.but,now i want to give you more information details about this animal.
1. Kingdom Animalia
2. Phylum Chordata
3. Class Mammalia
4. Ordo Carnivore
5. Family Felidae
6. Genus Panthera
7. Spesies P.tigris

Okay trully there is many characther of tiger,but its okay because i know that if you just read the character above then you will realize what is animal that im talking about.
goodbye then,see you in the next homework. hehe :)
source ;google       Sumatran Tiger            Bengal Tiger          Indochinese tiger        South cina tiger     Siberian Tiger

      Javan Tiger

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